Monday, November 3, 2008

Lavarse Sus Manos

Maybe this is too many bathroom-related blogs, but I have always wanted to do a study on the percent of people who actually wash their hands after using the bathroom. Everyone always makes a big deal about whether you washed your hands or not, and I think a deeper inquiry into the reasons why is necessary. Obviously the bathroom is full of germs, but no more than a handrail on an escalator. Now with the advent of the automatic flush on toilets, some men may only touch the door and their package while in a bathroom. Is their own unit so unclean that they need to wash their hands everytime? Then there is the further argument about using hand sanitizers and making your body weak against germs. All of these are interesting issues that probably could be developed into an entire paper.

As one of the main areas my firm practices is environmental and land use regulation, our principal was set to go over the relevant propositions with the entire firm. For some reason he was not prepared at our staff meeting and I subsequently missed on his information session (if it did occur). However, my Energy Policy class did get maybe four minutes to discuss the propositions. Props 7 and 10, known as Big Wind and Big Solar respectively, are both poorly worded propositions. I always find it interesting to see who are the backers and the opponents of propositions. Similarly, I like to see who the newspapers have endorsed. Reading the actual text of the proposition, it appears that neither of them would achieve what they appear to present. For example, the rebates for those driving hybrids actually only applies to diesel-hybrids. So, using my same voting philosophy, I would vote No on these propositions because they don't do enough to get a Yes vote.

Links of the Day:
Evangelical Teen Pregnancy
Flying Cars

1 comment:

Paul said...

i can't stand sanitizing lotion. there should be no substitute for washing with soap and hot water.