Thursday, December 4, 2008

Last Day of Class

After finding a space in the structure, I found myself walking to campus behind a blonde sorority girl. Very fitting for my last day of class at USD. This girl had exited her BMW, custom license plate "MANNDAZ" with a gamma phi beta license plate frame. Her tote bag was, of course, a G PHI B bag. Most notable was that she was eating cereal out of a red keg cup. Oh how those days are now past me.

On a side note, I am disgusted that The Vista - my former child - now has a Fashion section. I likely will be writing a raging letter to the editor about this (along with some other issues I have with the newspaper). More has also been revealed about Sarah Palin's stylist and wardrobe. Although I think the prices paid were ridiculous for each of these, I suppose it could somehow be justified on political reasons, considering the sheer amount of money wasted on each political campaign. My issue, however, with this news is that stating that it will be donated to charity misses the point. I mean, what value does a $300 pair of pants have to a charity recipient. I'm sure it has about $30 worth of value to them. Or less. Accordingly, there is an incredible amount of value lost. So don't try to justify overpriced purchases by giving them to charity.

Back to school...

Caught up in my finishing of school (not finishing school) and getting a new phone, I completely blanked that the December graduate reception was last night. In class I checked the emails, to see how formal of an event it would be: "This is an upscale reception with a photographer present so please dress accordingly." Of course (and for me, really, of course because this shit always happens to me), I was wearing my Converse, jeans, Obey t-shirt (looked like a prison inmate w/ black and white stripes) and a hoodie. Such things have never stopped me though. So I pressed onward into the event, however, nothing memorable is to note. Save perhaps that the photographer had a formal studio set up for cap and gown photos. I was declined the opportunity since I did not have a shirt and tie on.

I heard a bizarre commercial on the radio on the drive home - it was for a company that sells sheepskin boots. What was so strange was the peaceful sheep sounds playing in the background - not exactly tasteful for a sheepskin commercial. Shortly thereafter I saw a shirtless man (transient/hobo/bum) pushing a shopping cart along the street. When I passed I saw that he was also not wearing any pants. Maybe he was doing laundry.


Paul said...

Was the gammie wearing Juicy?

I saw Nailin Palin on the internet.

You sound like you were dressed as a skater boy (like the Avril Lavigne song).


Jon said...

Your description of USD Girl was classic. They should market USD Barbie. She comes w/ a Gammie license plate holder, juicy jumpsuit, uggs, and your choice of low self esteem, daddy issues, or eating disorder -- all three of which naturally contribute to her slutty demeanor.

JordonH said...

I heard that sheepskin boot commercial...where the guy sounds strangely like the guy from those diamond commercials (the brothers)...and I thought the same thing...why is there sheep baaa-ing in the background? I mean, these are sheepSKIN. 1 sheep = 15 pairs of boots or something.