Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Justice is Blind

Whenever I get a parking ticket or a speeding ticket or even a trolley ticket - I obviously become upset. But I am really upset because I think that I deserve it less than other people. I always see individuals talking or texting while driving. I always see people (excessively) speeding or not stopping at stop signs/lights. I even saw someone talk their way out of a trolley ticket. Am I not good enough at talking my way out of things or do I just have bad luck?

The trolley station is about three blocks west of my house, so I get to see a lot of traffic each day. In fact the I-5 South exit (Hancock Street)/Washington Street intersection is one of the worst lights ever - if any light were to make me go insane and run it, this is it. The next intersection, India/Washington, is probably one that has the most accidents I have ever seen. I would say at least once a week there is an accident here. The final intersection I have seen people make u-turns on a blatant red light while a cop was right behind them. Something about this three block stretch makes for good commentary.

A week or two ago, I had an amazing walk home. I always put on my iPod as I am walking home, so I can' t really hear what is going on. Nonetheless I still only cross when the white stick figure tells me to. As I was crossing the second intersection, the San Diego trolley (on wheels not the track) was blocking the far lane from seeing if anyone was crossing. When I passed in front of the trolley, a limo stormed into the crosswalk and nearly hit me. I walked up to the drivers door and raised my arms and yelled, "come on." I walked to the back of the limo and made this same gesture to the passenger in the limo.

At the next intersection, I fared no better. This time the car did not stop at all at the light and just turned right, nearly ending my life. Yet justice would be served this time, as a cop was sitting at the intersection and decided not to be lazy and pull the driver over. As the cop turned on his lights and pulled the car over, I raised my arms again and gave a loud cheer. Meanwhile everyone enjoying their espresso at Gelato Vero probably were wondering what the hell I was listening to on my iPod. I walked up the street to watch the officer citing the driver, with much joy inside.


JordonH said...

You have to run the Hancock/Washington light. There are times of the day when it stays green for about 5 seconds.

I like that you gestured to the people in the back of the limo like they were controlling the vehicle at that moment...could you see those bastards inside?

Paul said...




Andrew said...

I am glad you are alive to continue writing your blog