Monday, April 27, 2009


There is some weird psychology in working/living on a higher floor than another. At my current job I work on the 18th floor and there are only five floors above me. For some reason, I feel confident when I push that 18 button while everyone else is below me. I end up holding my head high while they look down at the ground. Even if it is some accomplished attorney or professional, the mere fact that I am going to a higher floor than them means I am somehow cooler. How do I know this? Well I just had to go to the 7th floor instead and definitely felt less cool than those going above and beyond me.

Something that is really not cool is the Sci-Fi Channel remake of Jason and the Argonauts as well as their rendition of The Odyssey. First of all, the original 1963 Jason and the Argonauts was one of the greatest claymation movies EVER. Seriously seeing the bronze statues come to life and Jason fight the skeletons was awesome . Now the remake is just absolute crap. The CGI is OK but the acting is terrible. My complaint about The Odyssey is similar, but also includes that the movie does not follow the actual text.

I don't understand why women's bicycles have the lower, slanted bar and men's have the higher, horizontal bar between the seat and the handlebars. I suppose it would make sense in the olden days when women would be wearing a dress or skirt and had to side-saddle their way on. But nowadays women don't ride bikes with either of those on. And men, for obvious reasons, suffer at the height of the bar on their bikes. This should be switched.

I still posit my theory about the Pacific Beach/Mission Beach bicycle theft ring. So many people have had their bikes stolen and I refuse to believe it is just random thefts. Anyone who ever had their bike stolen would always be on the lookout for it in the near future. My theory is that there is some group that actually steals them or buys the stolen ones, then either puts them in hiding for a year before selling them or ships them to another place to sell. If it is the latter, that means the bicycle theft ring could be regional or even international.

1 comment:

Jon said...

I work on 35. Suck it.