Friday, April 10, 2009

Mixed Tape

As many of you know, breakfast is my favorite meal. Although I don't like eggs or cheese, I love pancakes, waffles and french toast. I also love cereal. In particular, my favorite cereals are Oh's, Cracklin' Oat Bran and Frosted Mini Wheats. If you have never tried Oh's or Cracklin' Oat Bran, I strongly recommend them. COB can run around $6 a box (which is rather small) but sometimes you can find it on sale for $4. Definetely worth it.

Something I have been doing lately is mixing my cereals. This originally occurred when I would use the end of a box of cereal and not have enough, so I would add some from another box. (By the way the end of many cereal boxes - the debris as I call it - is for sure the best part of the entire box.) Yet lately I have been intentionally mixing the cereal. Right now I have been mixing Life and Strawberry Frosted Mini Wheats. It is a nice little change to anyone's daily routine.

This seems like such a great idea. Mixing your favorites. Look at the mixed tape (now mixed CD). Before the iPod could be used in cars, the mixed tape/CD was the greatest thing. You didn't have to listen to that weird track between Motown Philly and I'll Make Love to You. You could just put all of your favorites on one tape/disc.

On the other end of the spectrum is mixing a whole batch of things. Examples include a Long Island Iced Tea/Tokyo tea and a graveyard/suicide/911 (nine-one-one). Different people called mixing all the sodas/pop different things. I personally grew up calling it a graveyard. Although suicide or 911 sounds unfamiliar to me, it means the same thing: you are so daring that you are mixing ALL of the sodas into one drink that you might DIE! The best part was, it actually didn't taste that bad.

Between graveyards/suicides and Halloween, I'm surprised most children's teeth have not completely dissolved. The miracle of the human body.


Jon said...

My mom used to mix the debris of our cereal growing up. We HATED it. Do this day I freak out if there's a stray Chex in my Cheerios.

Speaking of mixtapes, this golden oldie viral video seems appropriate:
(sidenote: the guy in it is the guy from Parks & Recreation).

Paul said...