Monday, November 17, 2008

Hands Free

Although I do not like eggs, I suppose I can stand the sight/smell of most of them. Except hard boiled eggs. And probably deviled eggs - which are similar to hard boiled eggs? I don't know that answer. Is it just me or do hard boiled eggs smell like rotten eggs? I wouldn't mind if someone prepared them and then ate them right away, but when they are left in the fridge it just makes everything stink. Like onions. But instead of the smell of onions it is of rotten eggs. Maybe it's just me.

As of July 1 of this year, the use of cell phones in cars was supposed to be resticted. However, I continue to see cell phones being used (illegally?). I understand that people might quickly use the phone or even put it on speakerphone, and indeed I have seen much less use of the actual phone. The use of bluetooth headsets has also increased dramatically. Perhaps because of my commute to Solana Beach every other day for work I get the opportunity to see many drivers in action. I wonder if the people using their cell phones know of the law or are just risking getting caught. My understanding was that it was a no-tolerance rule accompanied with a $100 fine. I don't personally enjoy using a bluetooth or putting my phone on speakerphone, but I do understand the point of the law. How does everyone else feel about it?

And yes, I want to know what kind of fruit would you be and why? I am sticking to my original answer of orange: because I love orange juice, I love vitamin C and I love cookies, which you can use the orange rinds to make. (So in essence you can use all parts of it.) And I love an orange slice in my Blue moon.

Links of the Day:
Onion Nation


Paul said...

I love deviled eggs. They are probably my favorite way to eat eggs.

I like the law. I was pissed for a while because my bluetooth was in some weird pocket in my briefcase and I couldnt find it. I really dont like using the speakerphone either. I feel like it is even worse, because the user gets frustrated with it while driving.

I would be a beautiful strawberry because I am always sweet and have very pretty features.

Chad said...

Note to self I need to write about Californication. I love that show.

Jon said...

I go through phases with eggs. Keep in mind that I tend to eat the same thing for lunch for months at a time, then won't eat it for 2 years.

The handsfree law really pisses me off - as you may know, here in the WA we have the same law (I often feel like the Canada to California's US). The fact that my "hands are free" does not in any way assist me in driving. The fact of the matter is, the distraction/cause of accidents is that you're phone conversation distracts you from what's going on, not that one hand is cradling a phone to your head. I also detest blue teef, so that's my other beef w/ this bullshit nanny-state law.

Megan Pionkowski said...

First, the solution to the hard boiled egg problem is easy. Just ask that if your roommate wishes to eat his hard boiled eggs at a later time, he should keep the shell on those he puts in the fridge. Plus, the shell of a hard boiled egg is easier to remove from a cold hard boiled egg. Additionally, a container that has a lid will also be helpful.

If I were a fruit I'd be a passion fruit. They are exotic, delicious, and can be both sweet and sour. They are hard to find but once you have had one taste it leaves you wanting more. Although they are hard to find, they are definitely worth looking for. Somethings are just worth the wait.

Andrew said...

I have noticed a huge increase lately in the number of people not using hands free headsets on the road. My typical reaction is to role down my window and shout profanities at them.

My spirit fruit is probably a kiwi for obvious reasons.

Megan Pionkowski said...

Andrew - the obvious reason of you being a kiwi is that you're gay right?

Jacqui said...

No comment on eggs. I am indifferent to eggs. No, that's not true. I am an egg fan because of their high protein count.

Cell phone use while driving = bad driving but I think blue tooth or hands free is better because it prevents UBER dangerous situations from arising, such as picking the phone up off the floor after dropping it.

I would be a star fruit because they are cool and common.

Jacqui said...

err...uncommon :)

Christy said...

Paul, you never eat deviled eggs - no clue you were such a fan.

I find the whole hands-free more dangerous. Instead of holding the phone, I now just gesture with my hands as if I was carrying on a normal conversation. So instead of looking like I am just talking on the phone, I look like a crazy person waiving my hands around.

Eric said...

Chad, I share your hatred of hard boiled/deviled eggs.

I think the law needs to go a step further, and outlaw the use of the blue-tooth headset. Not because its dangerous, but because I think I am going crazy when I see people walking around talking loudly to themselves, and then I realize that they have a tooth strapped to the other side of their head.

Also, interesting to note that the word blogger is making me type in to verify that I am a human is "unmate." is that the opposite of "inmate?"