Monday, December 8, 2008


I wasn't sure if I would be blogging much this week, due to finals, but this weekend presented a few good topics to discuss. 

First, I found myself on Saturday evening at SDSU, for the USD vs. SDSU basketball game. Somehow I had never been to Cox Arena before and was actually quite impressed with the facility. The USD fans occupied only one small section of the arena, a slice of 'Founders' blue in a black and red pizza. Unfortunately where the crust would be of our slice were SDSU students. They were right behind the USD fans and concordantly were heckling all of us. Those remarks included calling us pretty boys and that daddy was paying for our school. I'm sure if I was in undergrad, within walking distance from the Arena, I too would be intoxicated and spouting off horse manure. The entire crowd (mostly students) also had some organized cheers for us, including ones about kicking our asses and also the simple 'USD Sucks' yell. One student walked past us with a sign - 'sucking is a sin.' Unfortunately our basketball team did not make things easier, as they lost by 11 points. Most amusing of all though was not only Monty Montezuma, but also a midget luchador (wrestler). I'm not sure what his relation was to Aztec basketball, but it was entertaining to watch. 

Finally, I have always been intrigued by the old Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. My sister and I would always used to say, per Augutus Glump, "Let me in there I'm starving." Of course the story is interesting and the movie was good for children, but "I was more interested in what bark is made of." I could never figure out what time period or country the film was supposed to take place in. There is an eery ambiguity to the entire film, one that adds to the fantastical nature of the entire thing. The only reference to a timer period were the cars, which suggest it was probably in the 1970s. As for where it took place, it had to be either the U.S. or Britain. There is a mix of Americans and Brits, however, many of the structures and geographical features suggest it is probably on the other side of the pond. Most importantly, what exactly happened to that entire cast? Obviously Gene Wilder moved on, but I have never heard anything about the rest of the cast. Kind of like Luke Skywalker. 


Paul said...

Final Fight is my favorite video game ever:
Final Fight (is a fighting action game produced by Capcom originally released in 1989 as a coin-operated arcade game. The arcade version was planned by game designer Akira Nishitani (Nin-Nin) and character designer Akira Yasuda (Akiman), who both later worked on Capcom's landmark head-to-head fighting game Street Fighter II. Many home versions of Final Fight has been produced since its initial release.

Natalie said...

i did not love augustus gloop's line. you did. i just repeatedly said it because you would piss yourself laughing.

my friend christian says that mark hamill (luke skywalker) got in a car accident and was disfigured. so no one would hire him and now he has to do the voices on cartoons, because he is ugly. so maybe you should be a little more sensitive to the handicapped. maybe charlie bucket is a paraplegic now. did you ever think of that?!?!?

Eric said...

Luke Skywalker actually appeared in a couple episodes of Seaquest DSV, in the 90s - a tv show worthy of a blog post in and of itself. And his disfiguredness was not due to a car accident, but rather when his father Darth Vader cut off his hand.