Thursday, December 18, 2008

Week-end Update

After my first final I went to the Third Eye Blind concert at the JCP (Jenny Craig Pavillion for all you non-Toreros). I consider myself an actual fan of the band, as I am familiar with more songs than just "Semi-Charmed Life" (although I do love that song). The show was very good, except for the fact that they only played one song on the encore. Perhaps because I am older, or in the middle of finals, it is amazing how clearly I see how ridiculous people are. Just like the USD vs. SDSU game, I expected kids to be drunk or high because thats what kids do in undergrad. I did not expect this concert to be a romantic event for couples. Now maybe because some of the couples were drunk, they were all smoochy. But I did not know that the music of Third Eye Blind can be bumped and grinded to. This also makes it pretty awkward for people around them.

I am really considering starting a campaign to create a parking violation for diagonal parking. You know, when that that asshole takes up two spaces with his one vehicle (normally a big ass truck or tricked out Japanese car). I don't see any reason why this should not be a violation and why it could not be enforced. By taking up two spots, these individuals are defeating the purpose of lined parking spaces, effectively reducing the efficiency of the parking lot. Although there is no safety rationale for this regulation, the time restrictions placed on parking spots serve an efficiency purpose: by limiting the time a vehicle can be parked in a space, more individuals will have access. This diagonal parking violation would serve the same function.

While studying in the law library, I have found an enjoyable hobby: yelling at people. Just like a hall monitor, I have been cracking down on individuals who do not respect the silence standards of the library. The first incident was a woman who was 'dropping her son's bag off.' I knew this because not only was she talking at full voice level on her cell phone, but the volume was also so loud that I could hear the person on the other end. After several minutes of this mother being inconsiderate of studying students, I let a "DO YOU MIND" rip. The second significant incident was when I heard "American Boy" as a ringtone blasting. This individual went further though, and started chatting up the caller. I soon directed at her "STOP" and after she refused, "SILENCE," which worked. On my last day of studying I heard another student take up my mantle, offering a "GO OUTSIDE" to a group of girls. Looks like I left a legacy.


Paul said...

We had 2 guys who were cuddling in front of us at R.E.M. who were either retard or on ecstasy. Very annoying.

Your real legacy is BABY HERCULES

Eric said...

That is one thing I remember distinctly from the USD library. People (and by people, I mean girls) would answer their phone, and then proceed to talk for a little while, then tell the person they couldn't talk because they were in the library, then proceed to talk some more.