Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bizarre Trip

After watching the Flying Scotsman before I went home for Christmas, I decided to get more into biking to and from places. My goal is to bike to and from the bar review class that starts next week. It is about 4 miles away, so it shouldn't be that much trouble. In the meantime, I have been biking to and from and store, post office and just around the area. Today, on the homestretch to my house, I heard what was the beginning of a bizarre afternoon in the Little Italy/Mission Hills area. A woman, perhaps in her 40s, walking hand-in-hand with a small girl, said to the girl, "What you're doing is worse than cussing [swearing]. You are beginning to talk like me." I didn't realize this would be the start of my interesting afternoon. 

I showered and headed down to the liquor store just kitty corner to my house. On the walk over there I was talking to my mom about my loan repayment situation. You see, conveniently before I entered law school I signed a lengthy consolidation agreement to lock in my undergrad loans at a single, fixed rate. What I didn't realize was that I was waiving the post-graduation deferment period. Accordingly I have to start paying my undergrad loans in two weeks. The worst part is that my lender no longer offers bar-prep loans (or many other lenders for that matter). So during a time when I have no income and cannot obtain a loan, I have to start repaying my loans. A very cruel situation. 

My mom asked me how much the total of the sum of the consolidated loans was. I stated it was $24,000. I didn't realize that standing directly next to me was a bum/transient/hobo/vagrant. By the time I had crossed the street, he said, "Don't worry, I didn't steal your wallet." I hadn't given him any bad looks and I guess he didn't notice my bum/transient/hobo/vagrant beard that I had grown. What gives?

At the liquor store, the attendant asked if he could split the 12-pack of beer with me, as he had just turned on a football game. I said I wish I could stay but I have to watch the game at home. He replied, "Well, have a good new year then." I've noticed this year more than any other, people have offered this salutation. Maybe they are excited about Obama coming into office? Starting a new economic year? Had a good Christmas? Nonetheless, I have always said warm greetings and good manners go a long ways. 

Finally, when I exited the market, another bum/transient/hobo/vagrant made a comment about my beer. He said, "must be a football game on." I said, "Yeah. Go Ducks." To which he replied, "You gots to get drunk man, gots to get drunk. Have a good new year!" There it was again! Maybe there is hope for that little girl after all...

Recommended Songs:
Free Fallin' (live) - John Mayer
Track 4 - Sigur Ros
7/4 (Shoreline) - Broken Social Scene


Paul said...

Why is it that U of O attracts so many Hawaiians?

I despise New Years Eve, and generally don't wish people a happy new year, as I overdo "Merry Christmas".
Gossip Girl

Jon said...

Unlike Paul, I'm really into the New Year. I took today off to celebrate.