Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I always find it interesting when students walk in late to class. Sometimes they will be a few minutes late, while other times they walk in significantly late. For a 75-minute class, I'm not sure the point of coming to class after the 30-minute mark. Likewise, when I went to see Burn After Reading, a 90-minute flick, a couple walked in 40 minutes late. What are these people thinking? Is parking really that bad? Was there actually a traffic accident? At what point is it OK to walk in late versus when a person should decide just to accept the facts and miss the event? Maybe for me, when I am significantly late, I simply accept that perhaps it was not meant to be.

Today I forgot my cell phone at home. So I won't see it until 8:30 tonight. I've been pondering a lot about whether I should get an iPhone. You see, I do need a new phone. My current razor is from the Cingular days and has been passing out on me (versus actually dying). The problem with an iPhone is that it, like the Blackberry, is really only useful if you use the Internet. I'm sure I would find it useful, but I already think that I am on the Internet too much each day. I mean, how much of our lives needs to revolve around (almost supported by) technology? In Europe I rarely used my phone, and carried it with me only for emergency purposes. It is days like today, when I don't have my phone, that I get to see the true necessity of these technologies.

Links of the Day:
Bill Gates
U.S. News Rankings

1 comment:

Paul said...

"If you are early, you are on time. If you are on time, you are late."
-Vince Lombardi

Sent from my blackberry