Monday, October 27, 2008

Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday.

I'm not sure what it is like in the womens' bathrooms at finer evening venues, but in the mens' room there usually is a towel-hander-outer. This is always a great discussion piece, as people have various opinions on how to react to such a person. Many people feel like they are providing a service and thus they should tip them. In fact, the venues believe that they are offering customers a luxury. For me, I never tip - unless I take some gum or get cologne or have exceptional service. I just feel that I didn't really ask for a person to hand me a paper towel and in fact, in such a personal place as the bathroom, I would prefer to do it myself. There are probably a lot of suckers out there who always tip or do so when drunk and thus the business will stay alive. Otherwise I don't feel awkward not dropping any bills in their jars while their boomboxes pump out the jams in the watering hole.

Moving from a non-partisan proposition to a completely conflicted one, I think it is time to discuss Prop 8. Prop 8 is a California constitutional amendment that would limit the definition of marriage to only that between one man and one woman. Obviously this could be one of the longest discussions ever, so I will attempt to keep this as concise and succint as possible. On legal grounds I suppose you could argue that marriage is a state-defined right and that due to separation of church and state, no religious or moral considerations should be considered. However, the proponents of the proposition have been clever enough to phrase it as "traditional marriage." Nonetheless, have we not moved past previous 'traditions' in our nations history. Proponents also argue that it will somehow be taught in school. The ridiculous commercial states that it was somehow 'taught' in the second grade. I'm sure this is an exaggeration. My response is what actually is the harm in promoting same-sex couples? Our society would become more tolerant and so many people would not have to live in fear of being who they really are.

Some people say that the institution of marriage will be undermined if we let same-sex couples marry. My response is that since when has marriage been about an external definition and not an internal one. Are we getting married to show the world or are we doing it to commit ourselves deeply to someone else? Why should we deprive anyone of this right if it is so, well, personal? Religious and moral definitions may continue on, but the state should not limit the right for individuals to marry.

Vote No.

Links of the Day:
Quack. Quack, Quack


Andrew said...


1. One time I was in the bathroom at a bar and the attendant wheeled in a flat screen and was showing dr. doolittle 2 on repeat.

2. Prop 8: Very well said. I've been thinking a lot about how ridiculous the commercial is with the kid who claims that they are teaching about same sex marriages in school. It's pretty offensive

Paul said...

1. Remember the place in phoenix where the bathroom attendant had skoal straight? It is kind of nasty to be dipping out of the same can as strangers.

2. I concur

Natalie said...

so when i went to the bar i frequent, several days ago, some chick had puked in the sink of the ladies' bathroom.

we have also had run-in's with what we have dubbed "the poop bandit." this lady does not flush her shit at all.

i would tip a bathroom attendant if they stopped the sink pukers and the poop bandit. i would consider it money well spent.

Eric said...

I don't tip either, unless I take something. Also, I hate it when you're the only one in the bathroom. I feel obligated to tip in those situations.