Tuesday, September 30, 2008


There is much news since my last post. Most notably sports scores along with the survival of our nation. I see that the current movement is to re-categorize the bailout as a rescue. While I do understand that it would be a rescue of our financial (market) stability, I think that many Americans still see it as letting a bunch of greedy, irresponsible corporate managers off the hook. That's why, although each day the market falls Congress is to blame, I'm glad they are at least being conscientious and taking a hard look at the legislation. I just don't understand why after a failed vote on Monday, the next time the House can meet again to vote is Thursday. Shouldn't they be working around the clock, when the U.S. and world markets are tumbling?

The Ducks and Chargers won this weekend. The Ducks big over Wazzu (not WaMu, the now defunct bank). But the Chargers barely squirmed by the Raiders. At least LT looked like his former self in the fourth quarter. Meanwhile the Padres somehow managed less than 100 losses this season: 99.  

I have been noticing that more guys have buzz cuts nowadays. Although I did buzz my head earlier this summer (for my trip), I'm not sure how good it looks on me. A buzz cut by far is the most enjoyable, as it requires the least management. Perhaps I will flip a coin and let fate decide. 

I think I'm starting to like reggae music for some reason. I used to think it was for lazy pot smokers but a certain affinity with the music has grown with me. I guess maybe it helps me take my mind off of things and relax. 

Links of the day:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Although it is obvious who I favor and am voting for in the upcoming election, I have tried not to be too biased, at least with respect to this blog. For instance, I do think that the Obama ad trying to depict McCain as 'out of touch' because he can't use a computer, was a little tasteless. (Joe Biden agreed but then backed down.) There might be some debate of his physical abilities and technical know-how but I think those are very petty things, not to mention irrelevant. I'm not sure any of the Presidents have been technology experts and just because Obama does know how to use it doesn't make him a better candidate. 

On the other hand I have been thinking about how Republicans have tried to portray Obama as 'The One' or 'The Messiah.' An interesting thought about this depiction is whether they are trying to paint him as the Anti-Christ. Traditional Christian doctrine states that the Anti-Christ will be loved by many, and will be a great speaker who can woo the masses. The Republicans have tried to portray Obama as a celebrity and someone who is all talk and no walk. The reason for trying to depict him as the Anti-Christ would be to scare people - that is, that he is really evil and will bring about the end of times. However, what they completely fail to realize is that if they try to subvert the coming of the Anti-Christ, they are changing God's plan. I mean, if you believe in God, and believe he has a plan for this world, then wouldn't you want that plan to accordingly follow through? I'm not saying they need to vote for Obama, but if they do think that he is the second coming of 'The One' or 'The Messiah' then a McCain victory would distinguish God's plan. I just thought this was interesting to ponder. 

Last night in my Negotiation class, my professor lectured on Ethics, which ended up being rather boring. Maybe it was because I had worked all day and didn't want to sit in class (normally we get to negotiate) but in the end we got out 30 minutes early, which I was fine with. Unfortunately when boredom sets in, the Internet becomes your friends. My two colleagues that sit in my row started playing some online games while I perused The Onion. At the moment I found this link, I busted up laughing and almost embarrassed myself in the lecture. No matter how many times I tell myself not to go to The Onion in class, I still do. 

Links of the Day:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The Chargers are back! After two final-minute losses they got their act together and rolled the Jets. I would say Favre should have stayed retired but former Oregon QB Kellen Clemens had an interception on one of the few plays he was in on. Or maybe that attests to the domination of the Chargers. 

I had the opportunity to watch the game at Point Loma Sports Grille and Bar (or some variation of those words), where we were fortunately invited to enjoy the game in the 'back room.' The back room was nice leather couches with two flat screens and perhaps a degree or two too cold of air conditioning. Not exactly the sports bar feel but definitely enjoyable for watching a football game (no HD on the TVs is a recommended fix). More importantly though, the food service was terrible. I'm not sure if it was the back room or just the server, but it took around 90 minutes to get our food. 

On my way to work or school I have to get on the freeway, and at my onramp there is a traffic signal. Something I continue to notice is that people do not pay attention to the accompanying signage. The specific example at my onramp is that a green light permits two cars to get onto the freeway. For some reason, I don't know if it is language mastery or just plain non-attentiveness by drivers, I often see only one car enter the freeway on a green light. Of course this is frustrating for any of us, as we all are always in a hurry. 

Today I have the lovely pleasure of getting my fingerprints done at a Live Scan station. My Moral Character application will be complete and sent to the California bar later today. As I once heard a professor say, this "bar is very different and infinitely less fun." 

Links of the Day: 

Friday, September 19, 2008


Well the U.S. government just bailed us out. The markets look stable. I'm glad we can keep printing more money - only to make it worthless compared with other currency. Actually I do think this is a good thing - consider the situation if the entire market crashed.

So I have heard some interesting conversations around campus this last week. One that I remember were some kids in the bookstore talking about their area of studies, specifically, whether to 'minor' or not. When one student said he would be double majoring, the other said they were thinking about having two minors. What??? Later I heard two girls in the deli discussing how 'confusing' the trolley system is. You mean the three different lines that go a possibility of two directions each?

In direct correlation (to diminishing intellectual capacity) is an article I read in the Atlantic Monthly, entitled "Is Google making us stupid?" Although the availability of getting information (without our brains having to retain it) so easily might make Google a culprit, the article was aimed at how much of our time (and brains) is rotted away because of the Internet. My class of 2012 experience might be a perfect example of this hypothesis.

I did see Burn after Reading last night. Definitely entertaining. Brad Pitt ("Chad") was very good. The movie was a little short, running only around 90 minutes. I think I've been watching too much Lost, as I tried to analyze every conversation and detail. Not really necessary to enjoy this film.

Links of the day:
U.S. Courts
Don't hear much about Cuba being hit by the hurricanes...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Riddler

Ha! Before I even begin to write this post I love my title. It reminds me of how I want the candidates to start using the phrase, "Riddle me this" before they say anything.

The reason I did title this The Riddler though, was because I drew a whole bunch of question marks on someone's hamburger buns in my house. You see, I saw them untouched in our pantry for about three weeks and finally decided to check them out. Of course they had become white and moldy. So I put them in plain sight and drew question marks all over them. The culprit apparently either didn't confess or didn't see them, as they remained there for three days.

So the stock market/wall street is all messed up. I really wish I understood how all of that works but its just beyond me right now. I guess I'm glad I don't have any stocks or anything. I will say that I predicted gas prices will fall, particularly to a low point around Nov. 4. I have also been saying that capitalism has perhaps passed its peak. I'm no economist, but I do read The Economist. In the end, I believe it comes down to a balancing act of government regulation and free-markets. Otherwise, the only restriction on free-markets is conscience. And I don't necessarily trust most people. Although I should.

Yesterday was a little cloudy, and apparently that somehow translates into Ugg season at USD again. Riddle me this, how the hell are those boots still in style?

Links of the Day:
Obama's Gmail
Wall Street

Monday, September 15, 2008

Swim Cop

So my weekend was busy and I am already tired and looking forward to next weekend.

After the Padres game on Friday we watched the Pat Green concert. I was very impressed and it was pretty cool when Jake Peavy came on stage and played a couple songs with the band. Poor guy has a great ERA but a terrible record. Padres have always needed run support.

Saturday looked like the end of the Ducks perfect season but they somehow came back and won in double-OT. However, they are down to their 3rd, 4th and 5th string quarterbacks for the next 2-4 weeks. All I will say about the sodding Chargers game is that the officials technically made the right calls. Yes, it does seem completely unfair and the Charger's harmony in the universe is now tipping in their favor. Hopefully there will be an investigation into the malfunctioning of the replay equipment (fail-gate).

Counting Crows cancelled on Saturday night but Augustana and Maroon 5 played a good show in their stead. Tim's secret back way into Coors (now Cricket) was a great success. Only complaint was three drunk women listening to an iPod and singing out (very) loud (in Spanish) during the Augustana opening act.

Tina Fey was awesome as Sarah Palin. Michael Phelps was terrible at being anything but a swimmer.

New today in my world is wearing my watch on my right wrist. Not sure if this has to do with my desire to be left handed or just for a change, but I like it so far. My right wrist is bigger than my left one though. Something that always bothers me about wearing a watch is using a keyboard and mouse. The watch always seems to either be uncomfortable in that position or ends up scratching everything up.

Links of the day:
Who the hell is Pat Green?


Food Review (week of 9/7-9/14):
I normally don't eat out as often as I did this week, so I thought I would recap.

Pizza Port - always good. Shark Attack beer was not only strong but also tasty.
Chilis - After overwhelming lines at Phil's BBQ and OG (The Olive Garden), I tried those 'sliders' mini-burgers. Thumbs down. Although I don't like anything on my hamburger, I was disappointed to see that nothing came on these burgers. Or if there was, it was too 'mini' for me to see.
Starlite - didn't eat here but their bourbon and ginger beer special drink is good.
Santanas - California burrito as good as always. Except the price
Petco - $4 hotdog, you get what you expect. For some reason I ate it without any condiments.
Pei Wei - orange peel chicken a delight without the time/expense of PF Changs. Snow peas this time were much bigger than normal.
Aunt Jemima's Buttermilk Pancake and Waffle Mix - fired up the waffle iron for a frugal breakfast...and was pleased.
Tom and Janette's home cooking - chicken wings and pulled pork sandwiches were bomb.com

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Shannon (Boone's sister, not Ireland)

Now that the sodding University took out the Torero Grille, there are very few options for lunch and dinner (on the law school side). Because I had already eaten in the Deli for lunch, I decided to drive down to good ol' Santanas for a California burrito. To my dismay, the prices have again increased. I remember in 2001 when a California burrito was $4.00. Now it is $5.00. I didn't realize inflation was growing that fast.

So my energy law and policy class is incredibly boring. Which sucks because I was really excited for it. All the professors have done in the first three weeks is talk about the history of the electricity and natural gas markets. BORING. Get to the good stuff.

But it did get me thinking about paper topics. Actually I keep hearing about the largest transfer of wealth - our consumption of oil. Thus, we are funding our enemies - the 'terrorists.' But did people forget about how the 'terrorists' are funded in Afghanistan? POPPY PLANTS. What about our addiction to opium? How about you give up that morphine or codeine?

Links of the day:
Burn After Reading

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

French Press

The weekend before I had somehow whooped up on Tim at pool. The table at Basic must be a king size, because it is huge. Nonetheless I somehow pulled off winning six games before finally losing. I thought to myself, maybe I'm good because I play so much "Midnight Pool" on my phone. 

You see, when I go number two I either play Midnight Pool or Bejeweled. For some reason my phone often locks up so I always put it on airplane mode. Not sure if other people suffer similar results. Yesterday I realized one of my pet peeves is people who just pull away at bathroom stall doors. In general I try to see people's feet first, before I take a pull at the door. Again, not sure if this is normal or abnormal. But I do know that many bathroom doors are not well secured and a careless tug at the door could lead to an embarrassing moment. 

As I was walking up to campus today I saw two tow-trucks pull in. Apparently the Alcala Bazaar is today so no one can be parked on Marian Way. As the tow-trucks were preparing to haul away, a young USD employee pulled up, and without any compassion, instructed the trucks to tow away all of the cars on the street. Have mercy. 

Link of the day: 

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I was worried in class after I got a call from USD and my mom within a few minutes. Unfortunately the class is three hours long and we don't get a break. So I finally listened to the voicemails at 8:30. Turns out I left my wallet in the computer lab. 

Having class at 5:30 makes eating dinner difficult. Accordingly last night I didn't eat until after class. I (unwisely) decided to get some Mexican at Lucha Libre. Unwise because even after brushing my teeth and using mouthwash my mouth still tastes like Mexican, even this morning. Their drink selection is not that great, but I decided to venture out and try strawberry Fanta. Not bad but it probably didn't help me sleep. 

I've been thinking about the geographic irony of American politics. I mean, a big issue for Republicans is national security. Yet the red states, at least geographically are not targets for terrorist attacks. The biggest cities and the biggest targets are all blue states (New York, DC, Chicago, California). Even Hawaii, which suffered the attacks on Pearl Harbor, is blue. Maybe an argument could be made that Florida would be a target. For the most part though, all of the red states would not be terrorist targets. 

Links of the day: 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

I hadn't had breakfast so I stopped at Jamba Juice and decided to try one of their 'breakfast' drinks, which are smoothies mixed with 'organic' granola. You have to eat it with a spoon. It was actually pretty good but I don't suggest getting the 'fresh' bananas for .50 extra, as you get maybe 5 slices.

Before my afternoon class I ordered my iced americano and saw the 'barista' (Aromas employee-pashaw) topping it off with the cappucino foam. At that moment I had to choose between taking the americano as is (which I was fine with) or having the barista learn a lesson. I went with the latter.

After class I walked to my car in the law school lot and saw a confrontation. Apparently the girl that was parked next to me had back into a car and was not going to stop or leave a note. A student was yelling at her, explaing the situation. I'm not sure if she was foreign, but she didn't seem that concerned although her car and the other car were damaged. I saw that I couldn't pull out until the confrontation was over, so I headed over to the bookstore to pick up my remaining 'book.' I put book in quotes because its just a xeroxed packet. This one, conviently, is over 500 pages and accordingly ran me $67.

I watched the 60 Minutes from Sunday, which had features on Obama/Biden as well one on aerial bombing by the U.S. in Afghanistan. I strongly suggest the second feature if you ever get the chance. Finally, I see that Obama has agreed to be interviewed by Bill O'Reilly on Thursday. Should be interesting.

Links of the day: