Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Harvey Danger

Last night I watched  a special on the CW (I think) that was entitled, "Greatest Magic Secrets - Finally Revealed" or something to that extent. The show did reveal a lot of magic tricks. I'm still not sure how Criss Angel does all of his stuff though. David Blaine likewise. This show was a little weird though, as the 'magician' wore a full head mask, like a scary Halloween costume. I don't know if that was for his protection, as he was revealing many a magician's core tricks. At the same time I was flipping back to a Paper Rock Scissors (PRS) tournament televised on FoxSports. Last summer I learned of the sport while I was in DC. Apparently now the bigger tournaments are televised and there is even a world championship. The winner of this particular tournament won $50,000. I'm sure there is some science to the sport, although with only three possibilities - the science cannot be that deep. Nonetheless I recommend watching the broadcast, as the commentators are quite entertaining. 

The 60 Minutes episode this week was good, with segments on the shadow market (default swaps), the Delta Force squad sent to kill bin Laden and the electric car. The final segment got me thinking about other ways to encourage fuel efficiency and discourage the opposite. I came up with the idea of smaller parking spaces. Every once in a while you will see a 'compact' parking space. I think there needs to be more of them. Along with this, there needs to be stricter enforcement. No more letting people park in two spots or create spots. You see, if big SUVs and trucks want to park at the store, they should have to park in the back of the lot. Of course, this would hurt large families - but population control should also be in mind. It is another utilitarian theory. 

Links of the Day:


Paul said...
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Paul said...

criss angel would beat up david blaine then steal his women.

smaller parking spots would cause more dings, resulting in more expenses for drivers but more revenue for auto shops.