Friday, October 10, 2008

Jimmy Eat World

Just stopped by CVS Drugstore to load up on meds. I'm pretty sure I have a sinus infection so I bought some Airbone, Zicam and Dayquil/Nyquil. I've always been a fan of Nyquil, but that is for red-eye flights. Likewise Airbone I have always been a fan of. Damn. I forgot how good grapefruit flavor is. I just went with the original, which is still not bad. As for Zicam I have just recently been introduced to it by my mom. I didn't realize that there is a multitude of forms it can be taken in. I have had the nasal swabs and went with the nasal spray this time. They seem like they would be the most efficient, in comparison to the chewables or lozenges.

I always find it amusing when people start their day off with a 44oz fountain drink. I presume this is their substitute for coffee but doesn't that seem completely unhealthy to start your day off with that much carbonated water?

While I am talking about healthcare, I had a thought about Obama's 'universal' or 'socialized' or whatever you want to call it plan. Particularly in the area of ambulances. To my understandings the ambulance industry is completely laissez faire. Thus, the current market price for anytime you call on an ambulance is $_____ (too much). I'm wondering with the healthcare industry (including insurance and pharmaceuticals) gradually become more regulated ('socialized' for those fearing change) how the ambulance industry will come out. Thoughts?

Links of the Day:
Education of Elites
Nobel Prize


Paul said...

Nose spray when congested is the best thing ever. I think I use it too much and get hooked though.

Natalie said...

i heart grapefruit airborne. deeeeelicious.

JordonH said...

Hey, a little heads up, I heard (from my bro - who works with class action lawyers) that Zicam can cause loss of the ability to smell. Don't know the veracity of that but I thought I'd give you the heads up.