Thursday, October 23, 2008

Props, Bro

In my neighborhood, parking is tight during the evening-dining hours. Thus, when I get home between 4 and 5 I can usually find a spot. We have two parking spots at our house but there are four of us. I presumed that the implicit rule was "try to get a spot on the street first and if no success, then park in the garage or driveway." However, I am finding this more and more dubious. I have noticed that my roommates just go straight for the garage or the driveway. I know this because when I leave shortly after they arrive, I notice the presence of available parking spots. I suppose this could be classified as selfishness or laziness. I know sometimes when I'm tired that I would rather just pull in and pack up. Yet the choice to be selfish has other practical effects. First, it makes the others feel like the only way they will ever get to park there is if they act the same way. This is a vicious cycle. Second, this creates a hostile mindset for those who later struggle to find parking (as I found myself last night). It is easy to become upset when you see someone take a garage/driveway spot when a street spot is open - and then you later cannot find any spot. 

As I have promised several people to comment about ballot measures/propositions I must begin today with a non-partisan one: Prop D. Although this is only a San Diego measure, anyone who ever comes to San Diego will be affected by it. This proposition is to continue the ban on alcohol at the beach. After the one-year provisional ban, it is now up to the people to vote to either keep the ban or lift it. I am probably preaching to the choir in asking you to vote No on this, but I thought I would mention it, at least to get a non-partisan proposition on the table. 

Links of the Day:


Andrew said...

Maybe I am getting old, or maybe I suck at life, but the ban this past year was probably for the better. Less fights, less trash, etc. I guess it's the "a few bad apples" argument. The booze ban at the beaches also on paper appears to be good for the economy as well.

Anyways, I am moving in two months so my opinion does not matter

Paul said...

andrew should be a spokesman for no on prop D. He can be like P. Diddy, and walk around the beach with a tank top drinking a 40 and screaming "ROCK THE VOTE!! NO ON PROP D"


Natalie said...

are you registered to vote in CA? ;)

Chad said...

Nope. Still registered in Oregon. But Oregon doesn't have any juicy propositions like California does.

Chad said...

Nope. Still registered in Oregon. But Oregon doesn't have any juicy propositions like California does.

Natalie said...

RICK DANCER is running for SECRETARY OF STATE. You remember him from the KEZI news in Eugene? If that's not a juicy proposition, I don't know what is.

(sexual innuendo intended)