Thursday, September 4, 2008


I was worried in class after I got a call from USD and my mom within a few minutes. Unfortunately the class is three hours long and we don't get a break. So I finally listened to the voicemails at 8:30. Turns out I left my wallet in the computer lab. 

Having class at 5:30 makes eating dinner difficult. Accordingly last night I didn't eat until after class. I (unwisely) decided to get some Mexican at Lucha Libre. Unwise because even after brushing my teeth and using mouthwash my mouth still tastes like Mexican, even this morning. Their drink selection is not that great, but I decided to venture out and try strawberry Fanta. Not bad but it probably didn't help me sleep. 

I've been thinking about the geographic irony of American politics. I mean, a big issue for Republicans is national security. Yet the red states, at least geographically are not targets for terrorist attacks. The biggest cities and the biggest targets are all blue states (New York, DC, Chicago, California). Even Hawaii, which suffered the attacks on Pearl Harbor, is blue. Maybe an argument could be made that Florida would be a target. For the most part though, all of the red states would not be terrorist targets. 

Links of the day: 

1 comment:

Paul said...

you should eat at 4:45 or 5, which would give you more consistent energy throughout class, then just have a snack after. plus, we know it is bad to eat a big meal after 6.