Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mumbo. Jumbo. I am hungry. Go get me some eggs or something.

So I stopped by Target to look at two possibilities for Halloween: the makings of a Ken (Street Fighter) costume or any mask. I was thinking about how on Halloween it doesn't matter what you look like so you can simply just wear a mask and walk around. The other weekend at Universal Studios I was wondering what the expression was on individual's faces who were scaring guests. I mean, were they laughing undernearth (probably what I would do) or were they enjoying it, in a sinister way? Nonetheless after looking at some of the gory masks at Party City I could not see myself enjoying wearing such a costume.

I was hopeful that the Blazers would be good this season, but they looked pretty pathetic last night against the Lakers. Granted the Lakers are certainly stacked and the Blazers are very young, but they did look terrible. I need the Ducks to regain our state pride by crushing the Cal Bears on Saturday.

Unfortunately I am not able to take a position on Prop 2. And when in doubt, I suppose the rule is either to vote no or to abstain. The proponents of Prop 2 are seeking to improve the treatment of farm animals, specifically chickens. The proposition would require farm animals to not be kept in confinement (cages) where they cannot turn around or sit down. This certainly appeals to those concerned with being humane to animals. Those against the proposition argue that it will increase costs of farm products (eggs) or in the alternative suppliers will resort to distribution from Mexico. Notable here is the fact that California receives less than half of its eggs from within the state. Furthermore, I suppose it is not fair for me to voice an opinion, as we all know that I do not like eggs. Like Fox News, I report, you decide.

Links of the Day:
Relationship Sex
Failed Attempts to Kill the President(s)

1 comment:

Christy said...

The chickens will be fine. No need to worry about them - just do not eat things if in that much concern.